Spotify on Wednesday launched new personalised playlists based on three different categories. Starting today, Spotify Premium and free users will have access to playlists based on artist mix, genre mix and decade mix.
Spotify will create various playlists on each mix category. These playlists will obviously be personalised depending on the artists, genres, and decades you listen to often. The playlists will be updated frequently with different songs added to the mix. “These mixes, built with you in mind, start with the songs you like and update with songs we think you’ll love, ultimately growing with you over time,” Spotify said in a release.
Spotify said the new playlists have been inspired from the “Daily Mix” playlists that it offers users. Spotify creates different personalised Daily Mix playlists with songs that you often listen to, and songs that are similar to those. Spotify said that Daily Mix playlists are one of the most popular offerings from its catalogue, and also the most listened-to one by users.
The new playlists will differ for each user as it will be based on preferences and recommendations. But you can expect playlists like “2010s Mix”, “2000s Mix”, “Pop Mix”, “Latin Mix”, “90s Mix”, “Sam Smith Mix” and more. The new playlist mixes will be available within search in the “Made For You” section. Tap on the Made For You card to access the new playlists. The first category will display your genre mixes, the next one your artist mixes, and the third one your decade mixes.
Spotify already offers a ton of recommendations based on your listening preferences but if that’s still not enough then you can check out the new playlists.